Post Interview Reflection

Overall, I feel like the interview went well. I didn't realize I was nervous until I began talking, which surprised me! For some reason, I found it a little bit more difficult to answer questions for an actual OT job interview. I'm not sure if it was the content I struggled with or the reality that I'm so close to my dream and just couldn't believe it.

In preparation for the interview, I looked over the resources Dr. Lancaster posted on BB and made sure to look over the instructions for the mock interview that were posted. I specifically looked over the resource about questions to ask the interviewer because I can never think of my questions and I feel like it's a very important part of the interview to ask questions - to show you are interested. 

I was not prepared for the question regarding salary, which is always an awkward topic to discuss especially as an entry-level practitioner. In reality, I would look up a range appropriate for the area I'm in and what could be "livable". Dr. Likens gave me great advice on how to answer the question and I will use her advice going forward.

Preparation is KEY! But also you can prepare all you want and you still have to adjust or be flexible with how the interview is going. I think it's so important to be flexible and adjust how you speak or you act by "reading" the room/interviewer because it can make a big difference. It is a lot harder to catch the non-verbal communication over zoom but it is an important skill to learn.


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